Well it's been a month since we were in Minnesota, and I can't say that I really miss it. But that's not to say that I'm not happy with the trip. I'm so grateful to have experienced a place like that. It's just so different from what I'm accustomed to. Life up there is coping with the stresses of extreme cold (as were we). Diversity is just low. But some species are just so specialized, and it's impossible not to be impressed by their life histories. It was also impossible not to be impressed by the people up there. The birding community was awesome! People were so willing to exchange numbers and provide updates, and we would have been a bit less satisfied without their contributions. I guess weather like that really bands people together. And non-birders were extremely nice, even nicer than I think that people in the South are. I was given free items on two occasions for having to wait for a minuscule amount of time. In a Chick-fil-A, I waited maybe...